To complete this challenge please go to the survey app and complete the ‘challenge-tell-me-about-yourself.json’ survey. Then email me the json file downloaded through your browser. Thanks for your patience.
- Your name and email address, as well as any other contact info like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, GitHub or other profiles you might have.
- Where you live and what your city or country is like.
- Your education.
- Your development training and experience.
- Your career experience and goals.
- What your hobbies are.
- What kind of development you have already done.
- What you would like to learn to do.
There is another challenge for you to tell me about your current development setup.
hello Dear Micheal i just wanted to remind you that i’ve all ready take this challenge when you were dealing with the first cohorte. should i do it again?
Yes please so it comes in the survey form we need to store in the database.
Please email in the downloaded json file.